Increase your page rankings and organic traffic with user-generated content (UGC) by Digital Marketing Depot


Increase your page rankings and organic traffic with user-generated content (UGC)

See why Google and shoppers prefer the authenticity and trustworthiness of UGC.

In this in-depth report, Shopper Approved covers the many forms of USC and its benefits, the various tools to generate and distribute UGC, and how it works to improve online visibility in search results.

See why Google and shoppers prefer the authenticity and trustworthiness of UGC. And why it improves SEO and conversions rates, including:

  1. How to increase your page rankings
  2. How to increase your organic traffic up to 400%
  3. How to convert up to 75% of your product page traffic 
  4. How to increase your Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) up to 200%
  5. How to reduce return rates up to 20%
  6. How to increase Average Order Value (AOV) up to 18%

Learn more. Visit Digital Marketing Depot to download “How to Increase Your eCommerce Revenue” from Shopper Approved.

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Antonio D'Onofrio

Business Developer
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