Google Search Console Insights Now Supports Google Analytics 4


Google Search Console Insights Now Supports Google Analytics 4

Previously if you only had GA4 set up for your site, Search Console Insights would not work but now it does.

Google has added support for sites using Google Analytics 4 to show data in Google Search Console Insights. Previously, if you only set up GA4 for your site, Search Console Insights would show you almost no information but now that has changed.

The announcement. Google announced this on Twitter saying “Have a GA4 property but couldn’t use it with Search Console Insights? Now you can! We are rolling out GA4 support, check it out!”

What is Search Console Insights. Search Console Insights is designed specifically for content creators and publishers and “can help them understand how audiences discover their site’s content and what resonates with their audiences,” according to Google. The Search Console Insights reporting is powered by data from both Google Search Console and Google Analytics.

When did it first launch. Google launched a beta of this last year and then opened limited access to some content creators to debug it and give Google feedback on the reports. Back then, Google said, “it’s a way to provide content creators with the data they need to make informed decisions and improve their content.”

Full launch. Google fully launched Search Console Insights in June 2021 and you can all access the Search Console Insights reports at

What it looks like. Here is a screenshot of some of the reports:

Why we care. If you have set up a new site and only used Google Analytics 4, now you can see a lot more data in your Search Console Insights report. Also, with Google doing away with Universal Analytics 3 in about a year from now, this is an important integration Google had to make.

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Antonio D'Onofrio

Business Developer
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